nofollow links

How to Remove or Add a rel="nofollow" Attribute to Non-Conforming Links?

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), links are a vital factor in determining a website's ranking. However, not all links are equally created . Some links can harm a website's SEO, and others may not have any impact at all. One way to control how search engines view links is to add or remove a rel="nofollow" attribute to them.

What is the rel="nofollow" attribute?

The rel="nofollow" attribute is an HTML tag that website owners can add to a link to inform search engines not to count the link towards the linked website's ranking. Typically, this is done for links that the website owner cannot control, such as comments on blog posts, user-generated content, or sponsored links. It's essential to use this attribute correctly to prevent potential penalties and improve your website's SEO

Why would you want to add or remove the rel="nofollow" attribute to non-conforming links?

If you have non-conforming links on your website, you may want to add the rel="nofollow" attribute to prevent them from harming your website's SEO. Non-conforming links are links that do not meet search engine guidelines, such as paid links, spammy links, or links to low-quality websites. By adding the rel="nofollow" attribute to these links, you can prevent them from passing any negative SEO value to your website.

On the other hand, you may also want to remove the rel="nofollow" attribute from certain links to boost their SEO value. This is usually done for links that are trustworthy and authoritative, such as links to high-quality websites or educational resources.

How to add the rel="nofollow" attribute to non-conforming links?

Adding the rel="nofollow" attribute to non-conforming links is a simple process. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Identify the non-conforming links on your website that you want to add the rel="nofollow" attribute to.
  2. Open the HTML source code of the page that contains the link.
  3. Find the link and add the rel="nofollow" attribute to the link code.
  4. Save the changes and publish the updated page.

It's important to note that adding the rel="nofollow" attribute to all external links on your website is not recommended, as it can harm your website's SEO by signaling to search engines that you don't trust any of the external links.

How to remove the rel="nofollow" attribute from conforming links?

Removing the rel="nofollow" attribute from conforming links is also a straightforward process. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Identify the conforming links on your website that you want to remove the rel="nofollow" attribute from.
  2. Open the HTML source code of the page that contains the link.
  3. Find the link and remove the rel="nofollow" attribute from the link code.
  4. Save the changes and publish the updated page.

To avoid harming your website's SEO and signaling to search engines that you're trying to manipulate the ranking system, it's important to only remove the rel="nofollow" attribute from links that are trustworthy and authoritative. Therefore, exercise caution and carefully evaluate the links before deciding to remove the attribute from them.

Best practices for using the rel="nofollow" attribute

When using the rel="nofollow" attribute, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use the attribute only for non-conforming links that you don't want to pass any SEO value to.
  2. Don't use the attribute for all external links on your website, as it can harm your SEO.
  3. Use the attribute sparingly and only on links that are untrustworthy or have low-quality content.
  4. Don't use the attribute to manipulate search engine rankings or deceive users.
  5. Regularly review and update your website's links to ensure they meet search engine guidelines.


In conclusion, adding or removing the rel="nofollow" attribute to non-conforming links is an essential task for website owners who want to improve their SEO. By adding the attribute to non-conforming links, you can prevent them from harming your website's ranking. On the other hand, removing the attribute from conforming links can boost their SEO value.

It's important to use the rel="nofollow" attribute correctly and only on links that meet search engine guidelines. In addition, using the attribute improperly can harm your website's SEO and reputation. Therefore, it's crucial to review and update your website's links regularly to ensure they meet search engine guidelines and provide value to your users. By doing so, you can maintain your website's integrity and enhance its ranking on search engine result pages.

In today's competitive online environment, optimizing your website's SEO is critical to driving traffic and achieving your business goals. Adding or removing the rel="nofollow" attribute to non-conforming links is just one part of a comprehensive SEO strategy that can help your website rank higher in search engine results pages and attract more visitors to your site. By following best practices and staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends, you can ensure that your website stays ahead of the competition and continues to thrive in the online marketplace.

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